Unlike Naldela, Miara possessed limited magical abilities. Faral initially dismissed Miara's ability to accelerate plant growth and hasten the ripening of crops as inconsequential for combat. However, during a devastating attack on their farm by other drow, Faral realized the strategic potential of Miara's earth magic beyond mere agricultural pursuits.
Despite her limited magical abilities, Miara's resentment towards her own drow people was palpable. Her fiery red eyes and dark gray skin, however, made her blend in more seamlessly than her sister, shielding her from the brunt of their harassment.
Miara, lacking formal training at home, sought out a swordmaster in her involuntary new homeland, who, despite her drow heritage, agreed to train her. In addition to her one-handed sword and shield, she incorporates her innate earth magic into her combat style, conjuring earth ramparts or additional body armor for protection. Miara's propensity for violence, exacerbated by the loss of her parents and exile from the Underdark, becomes particularly evident when she indulges in more than a few drinks at a tavern.
Like Naldela, Miara is proficient in multiple languages, including drow, drow sign language (learned from her mother), common (learned from her father), elven, and undercommon (acquired during her schooling).
Her second name was the name of her paternal grandmother Zolia Teleyal.
Miara is not quite as secretive as Naldela. Therefore, more details about her are public.
Race: Half-Drow
Born: Uktar 1, 1444 DR
Eye color: Red iris on white eyeball
Height: 1.69 m (5ft 6.54in)
Weight: 66.6 kg (146.8lb)
Most conspicuous character trait: Aggressive, Feisty
Words for execution: tonashss rei
Learned at: 1487 DR
Effect: Lifts a boulder from the ground and hurls it at the opponent.
Words for execution: kulggen
Learned at: 1487 DR
Effect: Lifts a 9 foot (~2,7 m) high protective wall with a width of 20 feet (~6 m) and 4 feet (~1,2 m) depth.
Disadvantage: Her shield must remain in place. As soon as the shield is lifted, the barrier disintegrates. Very high mana consumption.
Words for execution: valm
Learned at: 1488 DR
Effect: Encloses the feet of a target with solid earth and ties them in place.
Words for execution: z'ress
Learned at: 1488 DR
Effect: Reinforces the shield with additional rocks and attaches it to the ground.
Duration: 30s
If I had to describe her personality in a song, Through the Darkness by Audiomachine would fit best.
Miara's personality is best captured by the epic track "Through the Darkness" by Audiomachine. The song's intro perfectly reflects her life initially living in the shadow of her more talented sister, Naldela. Yet, as the music builds in intensity, it mirrors Miara's own hidden potential, waiting to be unleashed. The dynamic shift embodies her capacity to transform from a quiet observer into a fierce and offensive force.