Naldela Isur'Ra Teleyal kromonos writing AmWriting AmWritingFantasy DungeonsAndDragons DnD

While tyrants rule and shadows grow, we bravely brave the night.
With courage, in fight, our oath resounds: For light and splendor of life!

Take sword and staff and dragon fire, go with us into battle!

I fought my way north with Nimri. I hoped to find a village soon where I could get work and find something decent to bite. It was heartbreaking how Nimri always proudly brought me insects, but I cannot expect the little one to bring me a juicy piece of meat. And before he gets ta...

I lost Miaras tracks on a small river, but my new little friend, who obviously listened to Nimri, seemed to have a direction in sight. He led me to a small clearing with a lake, trees full of fruit and game, which looked particularly tasty.

I put d...

Miara set off again the same night. Uncertain if I will ever see her again. But I stayed a few days longer, cleared away the rubble, covered the graves with stones and put fresh Night Orchid on them. "F'sarn taudl, ilhar. Usstan'bal ori'gato dos harl." I spoke quietly to my mot...

Hoping for late risers in the academy, we left very early. We were lucky because even the guards seemed to be asleep, and we could quickly find a gap through which we could slip in.

We sneaked through the corridors and found the wannabe Drow Barmaeril Bimrassar on the first flo...

I had been on the road for days, my eyes already adapted to the daylight, explored dozens of caves, but found none deep enough to reach the underworld. At dusk, I stood in front of a narrow cave entrance, hoping that this path would finally bring me back home...

For days, I have been waking up from these nightmares, bathed in sweat, in which I have again the pictures in front of my eyes of a sword piercing my mother. The small tavern in which I settled today was very lean compared to another one. No bath, bad service and pushy, drunken...

I really need a decent bath. The little river that flows through the wood is unsatisfactory and too cold. In addition, I feel observed, which is why I only did one small wash at a time.

After I broke off the small camp, I went on, and it didn't take long until I came across t...

To spare my eyes, I only travelled at night. I hoped to find a nearby village where I could get supplies and ask for Miara, but except for a few small farms, I only found a small trail I followed.
After hours of marching I finally arrived in a small village in the early mornin...

For a few hours I just moved out straight so that I could find my way back to the cave. As the hunger slowly began to manifest, it began to get so dark that I couldn't see through the blindfold. I gently lifted it and looked around, "It's a good thing I didn't truant the lesson '...

I woke up with a headache in a small cave. Apparently a dead end. From the open end of the cave it shimmered in a warm yellow light. "By Lolth, where did I end up here?" I whispered in a soliloquy. When I leaned down to get back on my feet, a stabbing pain forced me to ground aga...