Naldela Isur'Ra Teleyal kromonos writing AmWriting AmWritingFantasy DungeonsAndDragons DnD

While tyrants rule and shadows grow, we bravely brave the night.
With courage, in fight, our oath resounds: For light and splendor of life!

Take sword and staff and dragon fire, go with us into battle!

The last few months have passed quietly. Mother says this is the calm before the storm, and we should be prepared for everything. For this reason she also gave me the family dagger. "Always have it ready to hand. Even at night" she demanded when she handed it over to me.

On the...

Although I don't like to be the center of attention, I always loved my birthdays. A human custom introduced by father. Mother always sent us outside in the morning to collect so that she could take the kitchen apart in peace. She was a grandiose alchemist and elementalist, but af...

Just as I was going through some new movements with Mother, a voice rang out behind us. A deep, feminine voice. Mother seemed to know who she was, because she put a hand directly on the dagger on her belt. When we turned to the voice, I recognized her as well. Lysha Backdorn. A n...

The cycle is drawing to a close. From the direction of the city one could already hear the celebrations, partly even see them. Mother always looked forward to the "event" in a relaxed manner. On this day we always had a mushroom soup, decorated with a Bigwig, and a good Gorgondy...

The stone is getting colder, and I am looking forward to the theoretical class because meanwhile, I have pulverized the third mannequin, and even if my mother seemed to be proud of me, she drives me further as if I was a useless golem.

After the ashes of the training dummy coll...

›Seke khalith mii'n tluin hyrr'ol xuil dosstan. Rak'nes vel'drav klezn inbau dubo‹ was my father's first sentence in the language of the Drow. It would probably mean as much as ›True courage means to be honest with yourself in his speech. Especially when it gets difficult‹. While...