After Sanise proudly told in the taverns how Tarlyn died and showed the guards where the body was hanging, we could stay thanks to the bounty a little longer in ›Ramshorn‹ and let my wounds heal. It's now over a moon ago and slowly only scars and pain remained.The dagger in my back seemed to have pierced several organs, because during strenuous work I had to cough up blood and almost writhe in pain. But I'm alive.
Since then the mood of the locals towards me changed from ignorant and hostile to ignorant and tolerant among the women and accommodating and desired among the men I could not get rid of anymore. Most of them tried to impress me with their trained bodies or awards. Even some Tabaxi courted me. But more interesting, however, was the young man in the background with brown hair, glasses, blue clothes, a book and a few scrolls, who seemed not to know if and how to address me and did not join the others. From a respectful distance he just looked at me and seemed to announce his interest through his eyes, without squeezing in between these machos and trying to impress me with something. What makes me just more interested into him. He looked kind of sad. As if he never gave himself a chance between all the candidates. Did he noticed that I noticed him? But even before I could approach him, the crowd pushed me further away from him. He seemed to look familiar to me somehow and I wondered if he was the one who bumped into me by mistake before I went to this rather permissive tavern.
In order to escape the crowd for at least a few minutes, I entered a store that was obviously only for women and a saleswoman quickly came running towards me.
»Ohhh, we have actually never had a Drow in here before« she exclaimed in delight
»What do you mean?«
»Well, word gets around that the men of the Drow are more likely to please the women« she said confidently
I looked at her with irritation, which she probably took as an invitation to show me the lingerie they had on offer. In order to get around the time, until this rutting crowd of willing to mate bipeds became smaller and smaller, I let her continue to talk and even bought a set.
I managed to sneak back to the tavern largely invisible. Since I saw neither Sanise nor Nimri, I thought I could at least take a closer look at what I bought. So a little later I stood in my new lingerie in front of the mirror and turned around a little. ›Actually not so bad‹ I thought pleased to myself as the door of the bathroom suddenly opened.
»Oh la la. Nali. Who is the lucky one?« Sanise started whistling and shouting and Nimri runs in circles next to her as if he had gone crazy.
»The peep show is over! For both of you! Get out!« I shouted, but still felt a little flattered
»Oh, come on. Let me have a look.« Sanise begged and already stood behind me pulling at my panties »That's a really great fabric. Where did you get it? Can I try it on?«
I giggled a little before I shooed her away »No, you can not!«
After I changed my clothes again, I told her the story of how I got the lingerie and she couldn't stop laughing. Well, it was a bit funny. She also felt guilty because she enjoyed the attention of the men and obviously got to know some of them a bit closer, but didn't realized that it was uncomfortable for me. It was not my intention to meet a man in this way. And most of all, I don't want to have a man who thinks he can impress me with muscles or awards.