In the early evening, as it began to dusk, I strolled with Nimri through the marketplace of ›Ramshorn‹ to restock our supplies for the journey. The wounds healed well, but still hurt, and yet I decided to move on, as I did not feel very comfortable in this city. Today is one of the few days when I could move through the city in peace without mask and cape. I don't know what Sanise did, I honestly don't want to know either, but it seems to have helped.
As I passed the tailor shop ›Mrs. Nanette‹1, I stopped for a moment and looked wistfully at the dress, which an old lady, completely dressed in black with old, short, white hair, was just building up onto a figure in the window. »I miss the time when I could simply tailor for myself« I whispered softly. When she seemed to be finished, she smiled at me with her sallow face, the pointed nose and painted eyebrows. She snapped her fingers briefly and the dress was illuminated by little magically balls buzzing softly around, making the dress shine all the more. It was a beautiful, backless dress. The decorated corset seemed to be made of a stiff fabric for the front part, which is connected to the purple skirt by softer fabric. The shoulder parts swung together to the chest and was decorated with a purple crystal. In addition there was a necklace, which seemed to be made of the same fabric as the front part, and also was decorated with a purple crystal, but with a bigger one. The complete dress was rounded off by arm-length gloves, which ended at the chains hanging from the shoulder parts.
»Look at this dress Nimri. I need it« I said enthusiastically to Nimri, who seemed to roll only his eyes »Even if I never get the chance to wear it. And look at this price. 2000 platinum pieces.« I continued more quietly
When I pressed myself against the window to take a closer look at the dress, I was patted on the shoulder. A young man, apparently a human being, with bright blue-grey eyes looked at me nervously through his glasses and obviously tried to say something to me »Yes?« I asked him quietly and after some seconds silence he seemed to have finally found the courage to say more than just stuttering.
»Uhm - I noticed you earlier at the market place and« he said in a slightly shaky voice before he continued with a new sentence »I wanted to ask if I'm allowed to invite you for a drink?« He was very nervous and I stared at him in amazement »You want what?« I asked him carefully, just to make sure I understood him correctly.
›This is the one who didn't join the machos. From close up he looks kind of cute.‹ I thought embarrassed
»Never mind. Please forgive the disturbance.« and just as he was about to turn around, I grabbed his arm and smiled gently. I have never met this extraordinary respect in this city before. He would rather renounce than force me.
»Not so fast« I said slightly giggling »I think I could use a good cup of hot tea right now« and grinned at him lovingly. I could literally see in his face how his tension eased and he brought out a broad smile. »I know a wonderful tavern« he said and went straight off. He seemed to have almost forgotten me out of excitement, but after a few steps he turned around so that I could walk comfortably next to him. I only chuckled softly. His slight helplessness made him somehow a little attractive.
He led me, almost continuously talking, to ›The Open Barrel‹ which looked inviting, happy and pleasant from the outside. Logs and thick, stone beams made up most of the building's outer structure and even though it was hard to see through the windows, one could feel the good mood and music already outside the door. When we entered the tavern through the huge wooden door, we were greeted by a general cheerfulness and dancing people and even the bartender, who seemed to be swamped despite all the work, managed to welcome us with a wink.
It was as tempting inside as it was outside. Square, stone beams supported the upper floor and the magic lights attached to it. The walls were decorated with mounted animal heads, furs and small animals. It was clear that the owner seemed to be an enthusiastic hunter and the smells from the kitchen indicated that the animals would not be wasted.
The tavern was well stocked and travelers seemed to be the primary clientele here, which often indicates good food. Several long tables were filled with an apparently large group of humans, Tieflings, Tabaxi, pale elves and even orcs, as well as other, smaller tables, occupied by singing and dancing humans who occasionally pulled the unsuspecting waitress in the middle of their dance group.
Over a hot tea he introduced himself as Ykril, but he could not remember his last name, nor where he came from or had family. I was surprised how quickly he confided such personal things to me. His memory loss in the wrong hands and it would only be taken advantage of. Somehow I knew his name, but I couldn't remember from where, no matter how hard I tried.
We talked, laughed and even sat together in silence until late at night, and before I went back to the tavern where Sanise and I had a room, he mentioned a soiree that would take place in the castle of the city on first Marpenoth and to which he wanted to invite me.
»A soiree?« I asked interested
»Yes, it's a big party. There is dancing, good food and a big orchestra playing«
»But that's what we've got here too, isn't it?« I asked a little surprised whereupon he began to laugh
»A soiree is bigger. There is also a dress code« he said enthusiastically
I laughed briefly and shook my head
»I have neither a dress nor enough money for and I've never seen myself at a party of nobility.«
He looked hopefully at me, and it seemed, he also noticed the slight disappointment in my voice.
»After all, I'm a Drow and I'm not very popular in the city anyway.«
»I'll handle this« he said optimistically.
»That sounds very confident« I giggled, followed by a sneeze from Nimri
»Is this a confirmation?«
»Well, that's a confirmation. When you can manage it to get a Drow on a party of nobility in a human city.« I smiled charmingly at him and he could not hold back his joy any longer.